Electronic Filing of Patent and Utility Model applications and electronic notifications

By Agreement published on March 18, 2016 in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF), the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) establishes the guidelines for the filing and receipt of applications as well as for the practice of electronic notifications through the Payment and Electronic Services gateway (PASE) of IMPI.

As a result of said Agreement, it will be possible from April 1, 2016:

  1. To file electronically new national Patent and Utility Model applications through the PASE.
  2. To make electronic notifications (optional for the applicant) through the PASE regarding procedures set forth in said Agreement (*).

* Procedure of administrative declaration of nullity, revocation and cancellation of patents or registration of utility models, industrial designs, layout designs of integrated circuits, trademarks and slogans and authorization of use of appellations of origin.

* Procedure of administrative declaration of infringement of rights of industrial property (patents, registrations of utility models, industrial designs, layout designs of integrated circuits, trademarks, slogans and published trade names).

* Procedure of administrative declaration of infringement related to commerce (for copyrights).

* Request for administrative declaration of notoriety or fame of brand.

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